[2021 Back to School sale] Ergonomic design children study desk set discount as low as 20% OFF!!!!
The semester is about to end, and the new school year will start again after a few months. This summer, PAIDI will launch a series of Back to School Sale to prepare children for the new school year.
Now you can enjoy a 10% discount if you purchase any model of study desk with a Drawer Plus!
Further discount if you purchase the following products:
-Any model of study chair (except Speedy Stool)
-Any model of desk light
-Any model of four-wheeled container drawers
If you purchase any model of study desk with a Drawer Plus, and then purchase one of the above products, you can enjoy a 15% discount;
If you purchase any model of study desk with a Drawer Plus, and then purchase two more of the above products, you can enjoy a 20% discount!
Limited time and quantity offer. The estimate delivery time is from August to early September, depending on the time the container arrives in Hong Kong.
Learn more about study desk
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Why PAIDI? German brand PAIDI Möbel GmbH has 90 years of experience in developing and manufacturing ergonomically conceived beds and furniture that cater to babies, toddlers, children and teenagers. The modular bed system allows the beds to be changed and adjusted to different forms from single bed, play bed and bunk bed according to the child’s age and needs. Along with various décor and fun elements, it makes the bed to be a perfect place to rest and play.